Saturday, December 6, 2008


This Thanksgiving was unique and I have a lot for which to be thankful. It was the first time that I spent a major holiday away from family. Without family in town or country, I've found that friendships between foreigners tend to develop quite rapidly, and I've realized how much I depend on my friends here in China. So, I wanted to get a group together of foreigners and Chinese to share in the occasion. 

Although we didn't have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner by any means, the fourteen of us had a great time over the three hours that we ate together. Laughs filled the air, stomachs were stuffed, and good times were had.

What am I thankful for?
a roof over my head and a bed in which to sleep, loving family & friends, a job that provides an excellent living  by Chinese standards, the opportunity to travel the world, great health, and many more things

1 comment:

Echo said...

If you are not lazy, you must be crazy busy now.